1. APRON.First off, and so I've been told, a woman in the kitchen is a beautiful thing to a man. Not that I'm basing this item on that at all, but who wouldn't want to feel pretty while preparing a beautiful meal?

I find this apron DARLING, and would love to rock this around our precious little kitchen.
2. BIG GIRL BOWL.Another pet peeve of mine in the kitchen is that regular bowls are too small. I don't want two huge bowls of cereal, soup, etc, but one bowl is just never quite large enough. My bowls of soup are always almost overflowing, and this is a disaster waiting to happen. I love these OVERSIZED bowls from Anthropologie for their size, and the fact that they are my favorite color is just an added bonus.

3. THE REDI-SET-GO cooker.The next item is my guilty pleasure of the list. Now I first saw this on an infomercial on TV, and I know it wouldn't be an impulse buy since I still want it. Bad. The Redi-Set-Go cooker is PERFECT for a single lady like myself who enjoys cooking, but doesn't need to use a whole recipe when I'm usually just cooking for one.

This cooker just so happens to cook, bake, steam, fry, and grill ALL IN ONE. Impressive. It's dual side cooking mechanism helps food be ready in just about 5-10 minutes, which for a busy girl like myself, is so helpful considering I want to cook every night, but just don't usually have the time necessary.
4. The final item I will share with you from my cooking wishlist is the biggest and BY FAR the most expensive. These items/cookware set is so far away in my mind that it's more like a dream than a reality. This 15 piece cooking set is probably the best a cook could ever hope for. I'm talking this is what all the big dudes use. It's kind of like that car that you've always wanted, but you could never bring yourself to really spend that much money on a car. Well, this is how I feel about this cookware. i want it so bad, but I would hit myself in the face for spending over 1k for cookware. It sucks, but it's okay because I don't really mind being the little girl at the candy shop looking in the window drooling. Even though in this case it's outside Williams=Sonoma instead of a candy shop.