Here's my weekend update. So much happened in only a few days.

Friday- it was time to go shopping for all the food again. Twice a month - usually in the middle of the month and the last friday of the month - we head to Teguc bright and early to buy food and cleaning supplies for JEC. Now usually we have two separate Fridays to buy the food and cleaning things, but this Friday we had to buy it all on the same day. This includes food to make 3 meals a day for around 80 people every meal. Needless to say, we end up buying like 65 lbs of onions, 25 huge heads of lettuce, etc. This week we had to buy soooo much stuff, including all toiletries for boys (shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc) and cleaning supplies for all three houses and the kitchen (laundry detergent, soap to wash dishes, chlorox, etc). Since Tegucigalpa is around an hour away (maybe less if Israel is driving... yikes) we also had several other errands which had to be accomplished on Friday as well. We had to visit the lawyer twice, another clinic we partner with 3 times, and since it was the end of the month, like three different banks. Unfortunately we did not finish until around 4:30, which means we were "shopping" for a good 10 hours. I was dropped off at Mirador on the way back to JEC, which is the little colony/"subdivision" where I stay every weekend with
Junior and Mariana's family.
Saturday morning I had made a deal with Junior, the son of the Ochoa family, to both get our hair cut. His was leaning towards a rat tale (too long mohawk=rat tale), and mine hadn’t been cut in over 4 months... maybe more. I am really particular about who I let cut my hair, even in the states I’ve only let one of my best friends, Chelsea, cut my hair for the past 2 or 3 years. I don’t remember the last time I went to a salon and paid for a haircut. Alicia, the mom, went to beauty school here in Honduras. Not sure how much that qualifies her, but she said she had friends who now had their own salons. We went to her best friends’ salon, and I sat in the black chair ready to face my fate.

I got lucky and Carmen, the hairdresser, had just finished cutting her daughter’s hair, which looked a lot like what I wanted - long layers, but emphasis on the LONG. I love my long hair, and it’s been my trademark for awhile now, so I didn’t want that to end. Unfortunately she cut off more than I would like, but I am trying not to take it too seriously. After all it’s just hair, and the haircut cost me a whopping five dollars total. I can’t even buy shampoo for $5 anymore? After my haircut we went to eat lunch at a local family-operated restaurant, and I had a delicious meal.
Sunday- Around lunchtime Sunday, I had the great pleasure of picking up my very best friend and her boyfriend, Richy, at the bus station here in Honduras! They headed around the bend from Costa Rica, spent a night in Nicaragua, and showed up Sunday around 1:30. I was tickled fancy to spend the afternoon with them and help them get settled here at JEC.
Today and yesterday have been extremely hectic here. One of our administrators has chicken pox (no, she’s not a child), and the other is about to take a 2 week vacation to the states! Therefore I won’t be blessed with much free time for the next few weeks.
I've become quite accustomed to taking my own picture these days since 6 year olds would end up taking a picture of my foot instead of my new haircut. Thanks to Steve Jobs for creating Mac computers to do such marvelous things. RIP.