For those of you who have never had the pleasure of being adjusted by a chiropractor, the basic point is to make sure that your spine and vertebrae are aligned, because when one thing is out of whack, then your neck, lower back, and everything else can really be affected. Most people come into the clinic with some sort of discomfort or pain. The age doesn’t matter, because everyone here knows the meaning of hard work.
Most of the patients we saw weren’t too bad, but man did they freak out when the chiropractor popped their necks and backs. This also includes the doctors and nurses working in the clinic - who had also never been adjusted. The main doctor here at the clinic outright screamed when he popped her neck, just simply because no one here is used to that or has witnessed it.
Yesterday about 13 boys from Jovenes came to the clinic to have their teeth cleaned. Since they are little boys, several had quite a few cavities, and only one was proud enough to walk away scotch free with a certificate of congratulations. It was quite hilarious to see these boys marvel at the wonder of numbing cream. Since I had the pleasure of hanging out with them, today was extremely enjoyable at the clinic. Tomorrow all the bilingual boys will have their turn in the chairs, and I can’t wait to see all them as well.
Besides work, I have been so blessed and excited to have Brentwood Hills here in town. I was so excited to see several people and families I know from Nashville around, especially my good friends Ashley and Jenna. Both of the girls I know from college, but Ashley and I haven’t seen each other since her wedding since she moved to North Carolina shortly after. It’s been so great to have dinner with her and the group the past two nights, catch up, and SPEAK ENGLISH.
To say the past two nights I have eaten like a king would be an extreme understatement. If anyone from BHills reads this, thank you for feeding me, a mere, poor college grad who was getting a little tired of peanut butter and doritos. Saturday the group is heading to Jovenes, so Stephanie, my roommate and I are hoping to catch a ride out to Zamorano to see all our favorite little faces.
Excited to say that one week from yesterday is my 23rd birthday. While I do wish I was able to celebrate that with you, my family and friends, I have many friends here who have already told me they are going to celebrate it with me. I am excited, to say the least!
One last minute note... HARRY POTTER COMES OUT HERE ON FRIDAY, SUCKAS. Going to buy my ticket today :)
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