Today I headed back to Jovenes to organize, take inventory of donated items, and play catch up from the past week. While sorting through all our amazing gifts for both the boys and employees, I started thinking about how, here in Honduras, the country really shuts down for Holy Week.
I'm not used to that in the states, I guess, but its pretty weird here when all stores, banks and schools shut down from Wednesday until the next week. I think this was what pushed me to start thinking about why exactly everyone does this - and my thoughts honestly turned to tears.
I think it has taken me 24 years to honestly understand (as best as humans can) what this week is meant to be celebrated for. As I was praying over my breakfast this morning, it really hit me that so many years ago on this day (or so we think) a man chose to die for me, my family, my friends, and these boys at Jovenes en Camino. Even though we didn't exist at that point, God knew about us, and He knew my heart before it even existed. He chose to suffer just so I would have a chance to truly know Him...
*mouth opens*
*dumbfounded look on face*
Can you just take one second to try and grasp the beauty of a love like that? The humility, patience, and above all, forgiveness it takes to act on that kind of love and HOPE for humanity... is indescribable.
My personal journey here in Honduras has not been an easy one. I have definitely struggled with not giving up on man-kind at some points. Disappointment and deception are something we have learned to be pretty good at as humans. Yet after all the times we have disappointed and deceived Jesus, He continues to love us, believe in us, and encourage us to seek an intimate relationship with Him.
I don't think there is anything more beautiful than that.