What a year. It's hard to believe 2013 ends today.
It's been a pretty amazing year. I have been blessed in so many ways. Each year always brings its hardships, and I've had my few. Although they seemed overwhelming at times, God always helped me through them, and I learned something valuable in the end.
I wanted to share a few things I learned this year.
1. You can have multiple homes
I've always said Nashville is my home. Which it is and always will be. But the difference is that, now, I have another home. Jovenes en Camino is my home and always will be. I feel so comfortable coming back here time and time again. So this is where I would say "home is where your family is", because these boys are my family, and this is my home, too.
2. Humility never gets old
This is always something I would say is my favorite quality in a person. I've always found this as a super attractive quality mainly because it reminds me of Jesus. I try to be humble, but the truth is as humans we are very prideful. I would even say here in Honduras this is definitely something most people (men especially) struggle with. They are a proud people, but its so refreshing to see some of these boys learn humility from their houseparents and the other boys here. My heart swells so much when I see them start to adapt this quality.
3. Plan all you want, but its usually useless
I'm a type-A planner for sure. Always have been. I have definitely had to loosen up since living here full time (mainly because things never go the way they are supposed to here). But this year has been full of ups and downs, road bumps, and just plain "almost running off the roads" situations. But through it all, my planning never seemed to help, because God has a way of showing you the right way - only if we are listening and willing to follow - time and time again. People frequently ask me "what's your timeline" or "what's your plan for being at Jovenes". The truth is I don't know. I'm just taking things day by day and enjoying the time God has given me here with this family.
4. Children often teach us more than we teach them
I'm not a real mother, but I sure have learned how to inherit certain traits of one. The craziest thing about it all is that I have learned so much from these boys that it seems they end up teaching and helping me more than I do them. The biggest lesson I have learned is to never give up on them. Sometimes I feel defeated and want to give up, but they have taught me they can and most likely will always surprise me.
5. Kindness always wins
I've had moments this year where I wanted to be just mean. Mean to the mechanics mainly (car problems was the theme of 2013), but also mean to people who were mean to me or the boys. I get frustrated easily and my first reaction is to get angry. I'm grateful that this year God showed me in many ways that kindness is always the best medicine - whether that was someone showing me kindness when I wanted to be angry or me dishing out plate-fulls of kindness to those who were ugly to me. Kindness wins.
6. Don't get comfortable
Strangers can teach us more than we think. This is mainly because after being in a certain position for a long time (whether a job, routine, family, etc) one starts to lose the appreciation you may have once had. This was true for me this year, and maybe the hardest lesson to learn. I have always loved and appreciated Jovenes, but even for me - after 2 1/2 years - I started to get comfortable. Through strangers who visited JEC, I was able to see them fall in love with this place. This had a waterfall affect on me, causing me to fall in love with the place all over again. I'm so grateful for God using those people to remind me to be grateful every.single.day.
Thank you for all your support this year. I'm so appreciative for all of you who read my blog, pray for me, or support me financially. I count myself amazingly lucky to be 25 and do something I'm incredible passionate about.
Happy new year to all. I hope 2014 is your best year yet!
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