Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cheers to One year!

This week marks my first full year in Honduras. I can (and cannot) believe it has truly been a year. I have learned so much about the world, myself and Jesus this year. I would like to share a list with all you of what I have learned in honor of my one year anniversary here.
1. I constantly underestimate God.
2. I constantly underestimate myself.
3. Jesus loved ALL the little children... black, white, brown, etc. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!
4. It is possible that my heart can be in two (or five) places at once.
5. I have learned I can get by and live off of much, MUCH less than I am accustomed to.
6. People, not just orphans, constantly need to feel loved.
7. Giving everything of yourself may be exhausting, but there aren't many feelings like it.
8. I have learned to appreciate work. Some adults I know make $5 a day doing hard manual labor. I'm so grateful I get to do what I love every day.
9. (Referring to above) Do whatever it is that you do with all of your might and all of your heart.
10. God has a pretty overwhelming tendency of taking something ugly and making it a masterpiece (ie: our hearts, our lives, a country stricken by poverty and crime)
11. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy and take the blame, even if you don't think you're wrong.
12. I have learned that I cannot do it all by myself. This meaning I have to stop trying to fix every problem, let go, and let God.
13. Sometimes when I lose my patience with these kids, I remember how patient God is with me.
14. Showering in a bucket is very "green", and I never realized how much water (and other things) we really waste each day.
15. I want the people around me here to know the ONLY reason anything I do is possible is because God has given me the strength to be the person I am.
16. There are so many good people here on this earth - I am so privileged to work with and know so many of them.
17. The mission field is not for everyone - but I do believe everyone is called to give something of themselves each day.
18. A dog really can be a man's (woman's) best friend.
19. I have to constantly remind myself not to hate some of the parents who deserted their boys here. Jesus even died for them! He loves them as much as me.
20. While working at JEC I have learned I am no where near ready to be a real mother. With the immense challenges motherhood brings, one must be ready to sacrifice your life to raise another. I imagine this may be a large reason many of the boys are here. Their moms simply weren't ready. But I do know this - its an honor to be a stand-in mother and older sister for these boys. They teach me daily about patience, unconditional love, and forgiveness.
These boys teach me about Jesus, and I am so thankful for them.
Cheers to one year in Honduras!

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